These lists are reasonably complete, but we may have missed out a particular job name. We will be adding to this, so if you spot a particular area that’s missing, let us know via our Contact Form. If you have skills you think may be useful, then let us know in the notes on the Volunteer Form.
Bid Departments
- PA to the Chair
Agent Liason
Coordinates with agents in other countries to represent the NZ in 2020 bid at other conventions.
- Country Agents
- Australia
- UK
- Anywhere else
Pre-Supporting Memberships
Party Coordinator
Worldcon Departments
This list is reasonably complete, but we may have missed out a particular job name. If you have skills you think may be useful, then let us know in the notes on the Volunteer Form.
For more initial information about departments and jobs, go to Each convention can be a bit different, so the descriptions there are a good starting point, but not neccessarily the whole picture.
Chairs Division
- Chairs/ Co-Chairs
- Assistant to the Chair
- Advisors
Guest Division
GoH Liaisons
- Writer GoH Liaison
- Artist GoH Liaison
- Fan GoH Liaison
- Media GoH Liaison
Membership Co-ordinater
Tourism Liaison
Web Site & IT
- Web Design
- Server Support
- Web Content
WSFS Liaison
- Tech Director
- Tech Director Assistant
- Area Heads
- Lighting
- Sound
- Video
- Computer Support
Hugo Award Administration
- Hugo Losers Party Organiser
- Hugo Reception
Hugo Ceremonies
- Director
- Master of Ceremonies
- Technical Producer
- Video Director
- Green Room
- Official Photographer
- Director
- Master of Ceremonies
- Half-Time Entertainment
- Technical Director
- Video Director
- Judges (presentation)
- Judges (workmanship)
- Judges Clerk
- Green Room
- Repair Table
- Official Photographer
- Fan Photo Manager
Opening/ Closing Ceremonies
- Writers
- Actors
- Director
- Technical Services Director
- Stage Manager
Filk Concerts Organiser
Dances Organiser
Dealer’s Hall
- On-Site Liaison
- Dealer’s Administration
- Displays
Exhibits Division Organiser
- Sponsorship & Commercial Exhibits
- Art Show Organiser
- Set-Up Logistics
- WSFS Exhibit
- GoH Exhibits
Special Event or Exhibits
- Media/Film Festival Organiser
- Roman Display / Battle Organiser
- Medieval Display / Battle Organiser
- Cosplay Exhibit and Display Organiser
Hotel Liaison
Convention Centre Liaison
Party Maven
- Party Coordination
- Bid party organiser – allocate space and advise on resources for those who want to run parties to advertise their Worldcon bid.
Hospitality Division
- Con Suite Deputy
- Fan Space Organiser
Shipping & Storage
- US Art Shipping
- Other US Shipping
- NZ Storage & Transport
- On-Site Sign Printing
Programming Division
Programme Operations
- Programme Ops Staff
- Programme Database
- Programme Scheduling
- Programme Stream Leaders
- Academia
- Art
- Children’s Activities
- Comics
- Costume & Cosplay
- Exhibits
- Filk/ Music
- Film
- Gaming
- Literary
- New Zealand
- Science
- Television/ Media
- FanAc
- Young Adult
Green Room
- Green Room Staff
Promotions Division
- Kaffeeklatsches
- Publishing Industry Liaison
- Readings
- Signings
Foreign Agents Liaison
Advertising Coordinator
Press Office
Social Media Liaison
- Twitter – Pre-con tweeter and organiser of tweetup at con and liaise with
- programme organise for programme changes and updates.
- Publications Division
Advertising Sales
- International Advertising Sales
Publication Officer
- Souvenir Book
- Pocket Programme
- Mobile Ap
- Progress Reports
- At-Con Newsletters
- Editor
- Staff
- Local Resource Guide
- Restaurant Guide
- Hugo Awards Programme Book
Services Division
- Pre-Con Information. Could be updating Facebook or tweeting.
- First Responders – assess a problem and call for security if needed –should know CPR and basic first aid
- Accessibility Services Liaison
- Child Care Liaison – we will have a professional mob in for this but will still need someone to liaise with them.
- Information Desk – The font of all wisdom. Where fans will come with questions
- Quartermaster – You want it? We get it. Also will catalog and dole out stores.
- Registration-for those that rock up on the day or those who have lost theirs, and to dole out conpacks.
- Volunteers Organiser – In charge of gophers, with their team they take names and roster gophers.
Convention Operations
(Multiple shifts to cover all of the convention. Each shift is six hours for the Duty Manager, but the staff are fostered on for two.)
- Con Ops Duty Mangers
- Con Ops Staff – has been gophers in the past