Proposed New Zealand Worldcon Crew

Co-Chair: Experience

Norman Cates

Norman’s enthusiasm is contagious, and the fact that there is a New Zealand bid for 2020 at all is down to him. His experience in local conventions, theatre and design make him the right person to guide the vision of what this convention will be.

Co-Chair: Business

Kelly Buehler

Kelly worked on her first convention in 1978, and hasn’t ever stopped. Her MBA and extensive experience in Management, Governance and Startup strategy make her the right person to guide the business of the convention.

Vice Chair: Experience

Maree Pavletich

Maree Pavletich has been actively involved in the Science Fiction community for many years. She has been on the committee in every capacity of the Auckland Science Fiction Club (Stella Nova) and has chaired three Conventions. She has been on the Concom of dozens more and was Condor’s Fan GOH in 2000 and in 2004 was the FFANZ Laureate. She was awarded a Sir Julius Vogel Award in 2008 for Services to Fandom. Maree currently serves on the Board of the New Zealand National SF body, SFFANZ. Maree has done almost everything in fandom at least once. Some things many times.

Vice Chair: Business

David Gallaher

Dave Gallaher has been working on and running conventions for a number of years. He has worked as a gopher and convention chair, and many positions and areas in between. Norman notes that it’s partly Dave’s fault that the New Zealand in 2020 bid started.

Finance Division Head

Andrew A Adams

Andrew attended his first con in 1989 in order to promote a con he was on the committee for six months later. He’s since chaired the Eastercon, run the Exhibit Hall division at Nippon in 2007 and attended and worked on far too many cons for the good of his sanity. Hence being a Brit, living in Japan and working on a New Zealand Worldcon bid.

Operations Consultant

Daniel Spector

Daniel has worked an array of conventions and special events since 1981 in a gamut of roles from gopher, to chair; from on-site troubleshooting lead for a 400,000 person event, to personal enforcer to a Worldcon Chair. He’s been a founder and board member of several membership organisations, and has mowed Peggy Rae’s lawn.

Facilities Division Head

Ben Yalow

Ben is, shall we say, an institution in the convention scene. He combines vast experience, and the ability to get anyone to do anything… 

Tech Division Head

John Maizels


Program Division Head

Jannie Shea


IT Division Head

Grant Preston


Logistics Division Head

Steve Wheeler