This is an overview of what you can expect as volunteers/staff on the NZ in 2020 bid, and convention, should we win the bid.
This Is a work in progress, and if there are major changes, we will let you know so you can review the new document to make sure you still agree.
All volunteers are expected to have read and agree with these expectations. We don’t think there is anything unexpected here, but we are glad to discuss any concerns.
This is not exactly a Code of Conduct but does involve many of the same areas.
- All staff are part of the bid and convention. Everyone’s input is welcome and needed.
- All staff are expected to treat each other with respect. There will be arguments and discussions. But we will carry them out civilly.
- We will have fun as much as we can. This going to be hard work. Let’s make it fun work. Keep a sense of humour. 🙂
- We will make mistakes, internally and externally. When we do, we will own up to the people affected, and fix the mistake as best we can.
- We will try to live by the Rule of Bill and Ted: “Be Excellent to one another!”
- We will communicate internally to make sure that everyone knows the progress we are making.
- We will communicate externally with our members and the world at large in a timely and civil manner.
- We expect everyone involved to use the NZ in 2020 Google site to keep information about their tasks up to date.
- We will support staff with resources, advice and mentoring as and when needed.
- We will be working with people from all across the globe, many of which have vast amounts of experience. We will listen to advice and mentors, and evaluate that information.
- We will work within the community of fans, in the knowledge that we are all in this together.
- We will not undermine other conventions, groups or fans.
- We will encourage gracefulness and kindness in ourselves and others, modelling the behavior we want to see.
- The above points are especially important if we are representing the bid or convention directly.
- We believe in a diverse culture, with many viewpoints, all gathered for the purposes of appreciation of science fiction and fantasy and all the myriad facets that entails.
- We do not discriminate based on, but not limited to, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, or physical / mental disability. Our criteria is if the person can carry out the jobs required.
- We do not accept harassing behaviour. Generally, we define harassment as repeated, unwanted contact. This could be physical, verbal, electronic and so on. If you are harassed, or observe harassment, then please let us know.
- We don’t believe there is a one size fits all solution. But possibilities are:
- Letting the person know that they are harassing someone. In most cases, this will result in an apology and a change in behaviour. If there is no change in behaviour then we can take other action. This could be:
- Removing them from a particular position.
- Removing them from the staff entirely.
- Letting the person know that they are harassing someone. In most cases, this will result in an apology and a change in behaviour. If there is no change in behaviour then we can take other action. This could be:
- We will also work with the victim to make sure their concerns are dealt with.
- We are a small community, so there will be people that we might not want or be able to work directly with. But the odds are that some people will be on staff that someone else has bad history with. We will attempt to work with each person to put them in positions where clashes are less likely to happen.
- If this is necessary, that information will be held in confidence and only accessible to top committee members, and specific heads of department for the people involved.
- We will have a Project Manager to keep track of tasks at various levels. The level at which the Project Manager will work is negotiable within departments.
- Project Management tasks will be set in consultation with the people involved.
- We are expected to keep department heads and/or the project manager up to date with progress. There are many moving parts, many of which depend on previous tasks.
- All staff will need some internet access at times.
- This may be for email or for updating Google Site information.
- We will often use online task management tools such as Producteev to keep track of tasks. We are all expected to use such tools as appropriate.
- We will try to create a positive environment, where staff are supported in the jobs they have to do.
- We will give timely, constructive feedback, positive and negative.
- We will create a safe space where staff can be creative, even at the risk of mistakes.
- We will refund budgeted staff expenses incurred in the line of organising events. This will require receipts.
- We expect agents to send registration information back to us in a timely manner.
- Finances are crucial to get right, so we will have oversight in many areas. This is for the protection of everyone.
- If staff disputes or clashes crop up, we will attempt to solve them at various levels.
- Each staff member should try to talk to the person there is a problem with. We will have many different cultures on staff. It may be a cultural difference, a style difference or a similar clash. We want to encourage openness in talking about communication problems.
- When approaching someone about a problem, please try to be kind. Don’t wait until you are angry before saying something.
- If you are approached and told someone has a problem with you, please listen and digest. It’s not a personal attack. If you need, take time before responding.
- If the two parties cannot solve the dispute, or don’t feel comfortable talking with the other about it, then it can be escalated up the chain to their heads of department, or further if needed.
- We will try to make any dispute resolution fair and equitable.
- In the event of staff misconduct, we will work to find a solution.
- We don’t believe there is a one size fits all solution. But possibilities are:
- Letting the person know the problem and be given an opportunity to apologise and fix the problem.
- Removing them from a particular position.
- Removing them from the staff entirely.
- We are not expected to accept verbal or email abuse from anyone. Should you be abused in such a way:
- If you are getting upset, or don’t wish to deal with an angry person, ask someone else to take over. But make sure you pass along as much information as possible to the new person.
- Deal with the factual problem.
- An apology can go a long way. Sometimes it’s not our fault, but it could still be our responsibility.
- If abuse continues, then that becomes harassment. See the Culture section for our policies on harassment.